4-H In-School Clubs

One of the many ways we engage with youth is by visiting them in their classrooms. As a Meigs County student in the 4th-8th grade, you will see one of our staff members in your class at least once/month from September-March with the exception of December. While visiting, we will discuss county-wide, regional, and state opportunities that 4-H has to offer; such as, contests, after-school clubs, camps, other overnight stays, scholarships, and more. We also complete an interactive small lesson and/or game with the students that helps them gain knowledge of their county, state, life-skills, and more. Each in-school club has a council that is comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Club Reporter, and Recreation Chair. These students have been elected by their classmates to take on these roles and therefore get the opportunity to learn parliamentary procedure and exercise it each month. Throughout the school year, 4-H clubs are evaluated based on their participation, conduct, and parliamentary procedure skills. At the close of the year, one class from each grade at each school, is recognized as the “Club of the Year”. The clubs recognized are rewarded for their all their hard work with our “Club of the Year” party held in May every year. Please use the drop down menu to locate information about each contest.

Each month the students receive our monthly newsletter in one of two ways, hard copy and/or via google classroom. Clover News lists the opportunities that were discussed along with dates and times. As a parent or guardian, we encourage you to ask your students for this newsletter so you too can know what Meigs County 4-H has to offer each month. If your student misplaces their newsletter, check their google classroom or feel free to contact our office at (423)-334-5781 or email Ms. Kyra at kyrepett@tennessee.edu or Mrs. Andie at ahixson3@tennessee.edu to learn of the many opportunities available.